We all need to do our part to keep our patients, customers, and community safe. It’s our highest priority! We are open regular hours for your eye care needs. To decrease the community spread of the coronavirus – COVID-19, we implemented new processes and are taking additional precautions for your safety.
New procedures for all eye care services
Please call during regular hours at 320.334.3264 to set up a time for:
- Eyeglass adjustments/repairs
- Selecting new glasses
- Scheduling an exam – we are open for all of your eye care needs
- Order pick-up – we will meet you curbside when possible
Some of the seen and unseen protocols and safety precautions include:
- Eye clinic is disinfected daily with an electrostatic virus-killing device from Glacial Ridge Hospital
- Scheduling appointments further apart to minimize patients crossing paths
- Continued disinfecting of all surfaces per CDC guidelines between patient visits
- Universal screening, masking, and temperature checks for all employees and patients is required upon arrival. (We have a complimentary mask for you do not have one.)
- Healthcare workers wear eye protection as well as a mask.
- Hand sanitizer is readily available.
- Plexiglass barrier at reception
- Employees wear non-latex gloves for patient care when indicated
Questions or Concerns About the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
If you have questions about COVID-19 or symptoms, the staff at Glacial Ridge Health System are there for you 24 hours a day. Visit response.glacialridge.org.
‘High Risk’ Patient Testimonial: Felt more than comfortable

Being in my 70s and a ‘high-risk patient, I was a little uneasy about going to my eye appointment. I wore a mask and made sure I didn’t go into the Eye Center even one minute early to avoid meeting another patient. What I didn’t know is that the staff already took steps to ensure my safety. When I walked in and saw all of the precautions they’d put in place, I felt more than comfortable. I breathed a long sigh of relief as my tense shoulders relaxed; I knew that this was going to be just fine.
In the hallway, there is a large sign telling patients not to enter if they are ill and if you are not sick, what to expect at each visit. They are requesting no additional person come in with the patient unless it’s necessary. As I opened the door, I saw that the receptionist wore a mask and was behind a plexiglass barrier. All staff were wearing masks and one gal was wiping down the countertop – even the pen – with disinfectant. They were wearing masks to protect us! Some people can be carriers of the virus and have no symptoms, so by wearing the mask, they are preventing themselves from possibly passing it to patients or co-workers. (Patients are also given a mask to wear if they do not come in wearing one and are encouraged to re-use it.)
After having my temperature taken and checking in, I was brought right back to an exam room. The optometrist could tell I was a little hesitant to put my hands on the armrests of the chair as I went to sit. She assured me that she wipes down all surfaces between each patient so I was completely fine to use them. I felt another sigh of relief. She said that appointments are scheduled further apart too so we don’t cross paths with another patient, plus they have more time to sanitize additional places between visits.
I will have no problem going to another appointment there even during the COVID-19 pandemic. I felt completely safe, even being a ‘high-risk’ person because I knew they were looking out for my health and wellbeing.” – Patient from Glenwood after a recent visit